Jia Yue Team Building: Hands Together, Building Big Dreams, Sharing Joyful Life!


To celebrate the hard work and great achievements of the Jia Yue team members during the April Performance Month, the boss has decided to host a villa party on May 11, 2024. This event not only recognizes everyone's diligent efforts but also provides an opportunity for everyone to relax and enjoy life amidst their busy schedules.

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The award ceremony for Jia Yue's Performance Month is designed to honor the "Business Warrior Beauties" who excelled during the performance month, fully engaging with clients and securing a large volume of orders, thereby achieving their targets. As a result, rewards were given to all staff and special accolades to the sales warriors, a gesture not only recognizing their hard work but also further igniting their passion for work. Moreover, the boss has meticulously prepared a range of gifts and an exciting red envelope wall, providing each Jia Yue team member with five opportunities to win various exquisite gifts and generous red envelope rewards during the event.Yibero Adult Diapers  At 11 AM, the Jia Yue team will depart together to visit the new Jia Run Paper Industry factory, where each member will have the chance to closely observe the entire manufacturing process of diapers from raw materials to finished products. This visit will deepen everyone's understanding of the production equipment and processes, enhancing their professional knowledge of the products.

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The afternoon is planned to be relaxed and joyful, aimed at allowing everyone to unwind from the stresses of work and enjoy some tranquil, happy moments together. The Jia Yue team members will assist in food preparation, with Chef Chen Jing cooking delicious meals, and enjoying delightful singing. These warm moments transmit the familial warmth of the Jia Yue team to every employee. Celebrating a team member's birthday with a party filled with songs and laughter creates a joyful atmosphere that infects everyone. These activities not only deepen the camaraderie among team members but also let everyone feel the care and support of Jia Yue. Laughter and songs resonate through the air, everyone’s mood is exceptionally light, and every face is adorned with bright smiles, creating an atmosphere that lets every team member appreciate the beauty of life and the positive significance of work.

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In summary, Jia Yue's team-building bash is a passionate and heartwarming celebration that tightens the bonds among team members as they build great dreams and share the joy of life together. With everyone's collective efforts, Jia Yue is set to move towards an even more brilliant future, becoming increasingly joyful!

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