Thanksgiving Day Agenda: Comfy life 30*20cm wipes from Jiayue!!!


Thanksgiving Day Agenda: Comfy life 30*20cm wipes from Jiayue!!!

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Thanksgiving Day, a traditional Western holiday, is a holiday unique to the people of the United States and a time for American families to gather together. The allusions to American Thanksgiving Day are always to the Puritans and the famous leader Bradford, the 102 companions, the wooden sailing ship Mayflower weighing 180 tons and 90 feet long, Cape Cod Bay, Plymouth Harbor, the Indians and Chief Massasoit. These are historical testimonies to the first permanent colony in New England in America. Thanksgiving is a family holiday, and all the people across the country have returned to their old homes to celebrate the holiday together. In the United States, like the Chinese New Year, thousands of people reunite with their families on Thanksgiving Day, no matter how busy they are, and all enjoy a nice holiday dinner together. Those who can’t make it home also make long-distance phone calls to talk to their parents and families and share what they are thankful for. The main Thanksgiving meal is practically the same all over the country. The table is always filled with a variety of delicious foods. Naturally it is mainly turkey. Pumpkin pie is eaten to remind everyone of the time when the Indians had given such a gift to the first settlers.

On this day, Jiayue started to produce adult wipes under its own brand - Comfy life. With over 10 years of experience in hygiene products, Jiayue offers a wide range of products such as wet wipes/baby diapers/adult diapers/under pads/sanitary napkin, etc. These adult wipes are produced using modern and advanced equipment, which is the latest and most expensive wipe production equipment available today. They measure 30*20cm, a size that few businesses in China are able to achieve. These wipes weigh 1,274.8g and come in a pack of 80 wipes. They are hydrating, soft, comfortable and alcohol-free, and are gentle on the skin.

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We use cardboard boxes for delivery, with 12 packs of wipes in a box. Jiayue employs experienced cabinet loaders and is your best choice. Best wishes from Jiayue, Join Jiayue share the happiness.

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Thank you for your support all the way, your trust and support is the strong driving force for Jiayue to go on.

All the staff of Jiayue wish you a happy Thanksgiving.

More details welcome to contact us;Tel/whatsapp:15980308853

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